Oil Painting Process
Although the process can be quite complex and take years to master, we have broken down the painting process into a few steps so you can have a better understanding and appreciation of the time and talent involved in creating one of our hand-painted masterpieces. We use only high quality cotton canvas coated with acid-free titanium gesso for strength and durability, and we only use the most high quality oil paints to ensure resilience and permanence, so you will be able to enjoy your masterpiece oil paintings for many years to come.
The process might vary slightly from one artist to another or from one painting style to another, but is essentially as follows:
Step 1. The artist starts with a blank canvas that has been cut to meet your size requirements having approximately two inches of canvas added on all sides of your oil painting to be left blank… to permit the painting to ultimately be stretched onto stretcher bars for framing. The artist begins with a sketch outlining the key elements of the oil painting, allowing the artist to pay attention to the composition of the painting.
Step 2. The artist usually starts to paint with large brushes around the outline sketched in step 1 to cover the white of the canvas with plain forms concentrating on the background of the painting at this point.
Step 3. In this step the artist starts to focus on objects, forms and combining colors to produce diverse hue intensity as needed to produce the desired depth of various aspects of the painting. At the end of this step, as with each additional step, the artist usually needs to allow time for the painting to dry before moving to the next step.
Step 4. In this next step the artist uses different methods and techniques such as the use of various types and sizes of paint brushes, and having a small or large amount of paint on the brush to add texture and personality to the painting.
Step 5. The artist now skillfully adds the slightest details, colors, shadows and highlights to bring your painting closer to looking like the original image.
Step 6. The artist will scrutinize the details of the painting to make certain all the necessary components have been added before the artist puts a signature on the painting. Our quality control team inspects the painting as well. The last finishing touches are completed to bring your hand-painted masterpiece to life. After finishing, again the artist allows time for drying, and when ready, we examine your oil painting, and then carefully pack into the protective packaging to you ship directly to your front door for you to enjoy.