Shipping Policy
We have thousands of oil paintings for sale in stock and if your oil paintings are in stock, your order will usually ship within one to two business days. If we temporarily do not have your oil paintings in stock, please allow between four to six weeks to have your oil paintings hand-painted by one of our artists, dried, and shipped to you.
Orders to Continental U.S. Destinations
Customers receive Free Shipping and Handling on all unframed and/or framed oil painting orders to be delivered to destinations within the continental United States (the lower 48 states) via UPS Ground, FedEx Ground, U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail, or common carrier (truck). Orders to be delivered to P.O. Boxes are shipped via U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail.
Orders to Destinations Outside the Continental U.S. and International Destinations
Oil paintings that are unframed and shipped to destinations outside the continental U.S. and international destinations are charged a flat rate shipping co-pay of $39.00 for order under $150.00 and $49.00 for orders of $150.00 or more. These orders are shipped via FedEx, UPS, or U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail.
For framed oil painting orders to be delivered to destinations outside the continental United States, will pay 50% of the shipping and handling charges. You may contact us prior to placing your order or we will contact you after your order is place to advise you of the exact amount of your 50% customer co-pay. Shipment of framed oil paintings orders to be delivered to destinations outside the continental United States (the lower 48 states) may have size limitations due to shipping carrier restrictions.
International orders (all orders outside the United States) may be subject to custom fees and import duties and taxes of the country where the order is being shipped to. These charges are the recipient's responsibility. The recipient is the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country where the order is being shipped to. Custom policies vary by country, so you should contact your local customs agency for more information.
If you need to receive your order faster, please contact us by phone at 1-561-488-8894. There is a charge for faster shipping methods (such as overnight or 2 day), which we can quote over the phone and accommodate whenever possible.
When your order is shipped, we will e-mail you a courier tracking number.
Map of Transit Days - UPS Ground Shipping
Map of Transit Days - USPS Priority Mail Shipping